Voting Systems Explained – First Past the Post

Like I’ve mentioned in my previous political articles (How to Become President Without Really Trying), voting is the most important part of politics. It determines who rules the country. For someone living there, it’s quite imperative they pick the right one.

How else can we keep the streets clean, or criminals at bay? We’re not going to do it! That’s why we give someone else the job of sorting that out for us. However, there are problems.

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How to Become President Without Really Trying – Part 2

Last week, we talked about how the votes of each American citizen aren’t actually equal just due to the mere unlucky, mathematical draw that the Electoral College creates. You’d think that’d be enough to motivate people to try and get it removed, but, oh no! The College also offers other stuff that makes it even worse. Trust me, if you weren’t at least slightly mad last week, then you will be now.

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How to Become President Without Really Trying – Part 1

Well, here it goes, my first actual political article, and what better material than the loutish façade of Uncle Sam? And I think ‘loutish’ is justified considering how little effort it takes to make the head office; any fatuous drone can apply and win. I am talking, you may have well guessed, about the Electoral College.

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From One House To Another

Well, you may have heard that I’d been kicked out of school, and am searching for a new place to study. Luckily, I’m moving too. Not just from boarding school back to my house in Doha, but my parents (and by extension, me, as well) are moving back to the UK. And guess where in the UK… Aberdeen! Not too soon enough that I travel thousands of miles away from this sodding place, that I have to move back to it to live permanently.

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Exam Results

I know it’s taken a while for me to finally talk about this, but here it is… my exam results. Not unlike the mock exams I took earlier in the year, these exams were met with fear, stress, and a whiff of something else I couldn’t shake (I’ll get back to you on that one). The only problem with results, especially ones as bad as these, you can never know what skill level you’re at until it comes to the moment where it defines your life. Indifferent to the rest of my class, my definition was a bit shortly worded.

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My New Years Resolutions

Well, it’s the New Year! 2014! I honestly didn’t think the universe would last this long, but, hey; at least I didn’t throw my life away (I say with tragic sarcasm). Obviously, it wouldn’t be the happy, cheerful celebration of our on-going life without a look back at what a pile of shit we’ve made out of it. And I hope I’m being too pessimistic. That’s something I might add to the list! The list, you ask? Why my New Year’s Resolutions, of course!

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Hello, all! This might seem a bit weird of me to ask, but I need help with this project I’m doing at school. There is a questionnaire for writers to fill out. If you could fill it out, it would really help me out!

Thanks a lot! I’d really appreciate if you could share this among your other writer friends. Thanks again.

Hello, everyone! I know you must’ve have been wondering where I’ve been. You must’ve been knelt down in tears, crying to the heavens of my sudden disappearance, questioning the existence of your “so-called” All Mighty. Well, fret not, I am still here. There only one small problem…

I’ve been taking a break. Blogging is tough, as you may know, and it doesn’t get easier through time, especially when you set your self an almost impossible deadline of a week to write an article. And for this reason, I’m going to be taking a further break, just to get time to write articles in advance without the pressure of a nearing deadline.

So, I’ll see you in January. Have a great Christmas!

Hello, one and all. I’ve lately have doubts about the purpose of this blog. I’m not sure if I should keep doing it, as it clashes with other stuff (regular readers might have noticed this recently). That’s why I’m posting this to ask my readers what they think I should do. Please answer honestly, and comment with any suggestions, ideas or your own experiences. Thank you.